Monday, 28 July 2014

A.G.M. News

28/7/14 From Jo Morris

First of all thank you to those of you who attended Footlights AGM  recently, it was good to see you all.

There are a couple of changes which are taking place with the main point being - The age of membership.  This has been raised from 7 to 10 years old, with a further amendment added that if the Director of a forthcoming show feels that children of a younger age are required to fill key roles then exceptions will be made - keep checking here for updates and announcements.

We welcome Ceri Morris onto the committee, as you are all aware he puts a lot of time, effort and hard work into helping Keith with the sets and we look forward to his input at committee meetings!

Linnia stood down as social secretary and the position has now been filled by Ollie Cole. Huge thanks to Linnia for all her efforts over the years.

Pantomime Audition News

From Jo Morris

The panto this year will be  Once Upon A Time and audition dates are Wednesday 3rd September  at 7 pm and Sunday 7th September  at 2 pm.  Auditions will take place at the Regency Hall, Saundersfoot.

Auditions are open to everyone aged 10 and over and this year you will be asked to perform in front of a panel in the green room with nobody else present.

We are also looking for a choreographer so if you are good at dancing or know somebody who is, please get in touch.

Monday, 2 June 2014

And on to..

Next up - PANTO

Details coming soon - watch this space

Thursday, 8 May 2014

SHOWTIME.. is over for now

Thanks to everyone for coming to see our show and supporting local theatre

Monday 26th May - Tuesday 27th May - Wednesday 28th May
Thursday 29th May - Friday 30th May - Saturday 31st May

At the Regency Hall, Saundersfoot

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Click on This link for all Footlights Updates


Click on THIS LINK   for a  Photo presentation of rehearsals for Pirates of Penzance - courtesy of  Angharad Thomas

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Rehearsal News

From David Jones..

Can all members please attend ALL rehearsals from now on.

If you are unable to be present then you must let David or Clive know in advance. The only time there won’t be a rehearsal is on Sunday 20th April which is Easter Sunday.  As we get closer to the show week we have 3 full weekend rehearsals booked.  They will be Saturday & Sunday 10th & 11th May, Saturday 17th May, Sunday 18th May, Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May, times are to be confirmed but please be prepared to be in the hall must of the day on all these 4 dates.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Membership is Due

From club secretary Jo Morris -

A reminder that ALL membership is now due. Paying membership not only covers you regarding insurance purposes during rehearsals and shows, but it also entitles you to take part in organised Footlights events/activities.  Please obtain a form from myself and return it to me with the money.  The closing date for membership collection is Friday 31st January. If after this date I have not received a form and money from you then it will be assumed that you no longer wish to remain a member of the society.  I will be present at rehearsals on a Wednesday and Sunday, if you are unable to attend and need to obtain a form then please contact me